Alke Martens
PH Schwäbisch Gmünd University of Education, Germany
Dr. Alke Martens is Full Professor for Computer and Instructional Design in the Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science at PH Schwaebisch Gmuend, University of Education, Germany. Her background is in artificial intelligence, modeling and simulation, and software engineering, all of which she mainly used to develop Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). In her PhD thesis she developed a formal model for language independent description of ITS. This model has been the basis for a framework and a component based approach for developing ITSs. In the last years, this component based approach has been extended towards game-based learning systems. Her current research interests are in the direction of adaptivity and cognitive models, design and engineering of games and game-based learning, instructional design in computer science and a combination of instructional design and game-based learning.
Andreas Holzinger
Medical University Graz, Austria
Dr. Andreas Holzinger is head of the Research Unit HCI, Institute for Medical Informatics, Medical University Graz, and Associate Professor at Graz University of Technology, where he teaches Biomedical Informatics at the Institute of Bioinformatics & Genomics, and supervising engineering students at the Institute of Information Systems & Computer Media. He started as apprentice in Information Technology, and after his second chance education and IT industry experience, he began his academic studies at the age of 26, studied Information Technology and Physics, Psychology and Media at Graz University, obtained his PhD in Cognitive Science from Graz University in 1997 and his Habilitation in Computer Science from Graz University of Technology in 2003. Andreas was Visiting Professor in Berlin, Innsbruck, Vienna, London and Aachen. Since 1999 he has participated in leading positions in 30+ R&D multi- national projects, budget 3+ MEUR, 300+ publications, 3300+ citations, h-index =26, g-index=68. He is founder and leader of the Expert Network HCI-KDD.
Chee-Kit Looi
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Chee-Kit Looi is Professor in the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University. He was the Founding Head of Learning Sciences Lab from January 2004 to June 2008. Currently, he is the Head, Centre of Excellence for Learning Innovation (COELI) from July 2008. His recent research related to technology-enabled learning involves design and development of digital manipulatives to bridge model methods to algebraic methods; implementing innovations like SimCalc, Group Scribbles and mobile technologies in Singapore classrooms.
Christophe Choquet
Université du Maine, France
Christophe Choquet has started his career as an R&D engineer in computer science at Airbus company (France). He was specialized in Artificial Intelligence applied for learning. After his PhD in computer Science (Paul Sabatier- Toulouse III University), He became Associate Professor at University of Nantes, then Professor at University of Le Mans. He has been working on usage analysis of learning systems in a re-engineering purpose for several years: defining how to collect, represent and analyze students’ activity data in order to provide significant feedback to designers. Since five years, he is always focused on the adaptation of the learning scenario by the actors of the learning session (tutors, learners).
Demetrios G. Sampson
University of Piraeus, Greece
Demetrios G. Sampson is Professor at the Department of Digital Systems of the University of Piraeus, Greece. He is the Founder and Director of the Advanced Digital Systems and Services for Education and Learning (ASK) at the Information Technologies Institute. He holds a Diploma in Electrical Engineering (1989) from Demokritus University of Thrace, Greece and a Ph.D. in Electronic Systems Design (1995) from University of Essex, UK. His main research interests are in the areas of Technology Enhanced Learning. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and he was the elected Chair of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Learning Technologies (2008-2011). He is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Educational Technology and Society Journal and a Member of the Steering Committee of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies.
Diana Laurillard
London Knowledge Lab, United Kingdom
Diana Laurillard is Professor of Learning with Digital Technologies in the Faculty of Culture and Pedagogy and Assistant Director for Open Mode learning at the Institute of Education. She is currently leading the migration to online courses and experimentation with MOOCs for professional development courses, and running research projects on (i) developing learning design tools for teachers and trainers, and (ii) software interventions for learners in all age-groups with low numeracy and dyscalculia.
Elliot Soloway
University of Michigan, USA
Elliot Soloway is Professor in School of Education, Professor in College of Engineering and Professor in School of Information. He received his PhD from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. His research interests include the use of technology in education and developing software that takes into consideration the unique needs of learners. He was one of the founders of HI-CE, the Center for Highly Interactive Computing in Education, where he works to develop technology-embedded curricula for school-based programs. He is a principal investigator of the Center for Learning Technologies in Urban Schools grant.
Erkki Sutinen
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Erkki Sutinen is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Eastern Finland. He obtained his PhD in string algorithm research from the University of Helsinki in 1998. He is leading research group at Joensuu in educational technology and ICT for development. He is also running an international online PhD program. His research interests are technologies for special education, contextualized IT education, and visual and textual tools for learning. He has received several research grants from the Academy of Finland, TEKES the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation, and the European Union.
Gautam Biswas
Vanderbilt University, USA
Gautam Biswas is Professor of Computer Science and Professor of Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at Vanderbilt University. He received his PhD from Michigan State University. His research focuses on modeling and analysis of embedded systems, model-based diagnosis, fault-adaptive control, intelligent learning environments, planning, scheduling, and resource allocation for distributed systems.
Gilbert Paquette
Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Gilbert Paquette is Professor at the Télé-université. He is also a researcher at the LICEF Research Center, which he founded in 1992. He is actually Director of the Laboratory for Instructional and Cognitive Engineering (LICE). He holds a PhD from the Université du Maine (FRANCE) in Artificial Intelligence and Education. He also has held a Canada Research Chair in Cognitive and Educational Engineering from 2002 to 2016. In 2007, he has received an Honoris Causa Doctorate from the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI). He has pioneered strategic projects in the field of knowledge-based systems, instructional engineering and distance education. He is “fellow” of the World Technology Network, a group of international experts. He represents Canada on the Globe consortium on learning objects and sits on the scientific committee of the European networks TENCompetence and Share-TEC. He has also founded two companies and has acted as Minister for Science and Technology in the Quebec Government (1982-1984).
Gráinne Conole
University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Gráinne Conole is Professor of Learning Innovation and Director of the Institute of Learning Innovation, University of Leicester. She was named an EDEN Fellow in 2013 and was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship from the Higher Education Academy and ASCILITE Fellow Award in 2012. She has research interests in the use, integration and evaluation of Information and Communication Technologies and e-learning and impact on organisational change. She has research, development and project management experience across the educational and technical domains; funding sources have included HEFCE, ESRC, EU and commercial sponsors.
Guangbing Yang
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Dr. Guangbing Yang is the Data Scientist of NTENT Inc. in Carlsbad, California. Prior to that, he worked as a System Analyst and Researcher at the University of Alberta, Canada, University of Eastern Finland, Finland, and Athabasca University, Canada. He participated in the research project: NSERC/iCORE/Xerox/Markin Industrial Research Chair in Adaptivity and Personalization in Informatics, funded by Canadian federal government, Alberta provincial government, and other organizations. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from University of Eastern Finland. His work has been dedicated to advancing research on the field of natural language processing, machine learning, and Artificial Intelligence. Areas of his research interests include multi-document summarization, named entity recognition, information retrieval, statistical natural language processing, neural network and deep learning, artificial intelligence, student modelling for artificial intelligent tutoring systems and content processing technology within the educational context.
Gwo-Dong Chen
National Central University, Taiwan
Gwo-Dong Chen is Professor of Computer Science and Information Engineering at the National Central University. He received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University. He served as Program office Director of Taiwan government e-learning national program from 2004 to 2007. From 2007-2009, he was the director of Research Center for Science and Technology for Learning at the National Central University. He now is the director general of Department of Science Education, National Science Council, Taiwan since August 2010. His research interests are as follows: (1) design and develop programmable robots that can be programmed as teaching partner, learning companion, and storytelling robot with empathy and emotion interaction capabilities; (2) design and develop virtual humans that can be used as agents for learning systems and capable of showing caring and empathy interaction to build long term relationship with learners; and, (3) paper pen computing that integrates conventional paper textbook and pen reading environment with digital resources and web community to improve reading comprehension and collaboration.
Gwo-Jen Hwang
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Gwo-Jen Hwang is currently Chair Professor of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Distinguished. He received his PhD in Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan in 1991. He served as Director of Computer Center of National Chi Nan University for three years, Chairman of Computer and Education Department of National Tainan University for one year, and Dean of College of Science and Engineering of National Tainan University for five and a half years. His research interests include mobile and ubiquitous learning, computer-assisted testing, expert systems and knowledge engineering. Owing to the distinguished achievements in mobile and ubiquitous learning studies, in 2007, Dr. Hwang was elected as the Chair of the Special Interest Group of Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning in the Information Technology Education Division of the National Science Council in Taiwan. He has been serving the position since then.
Jan M. Pawlowski
University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
Jan M. Pawlowski is Professor of Digital Media with the specialization “Global Information Systems” at the University of Jyvaskyla. He received his Doctorate in Business Information Systems from University of Duisburg-Essen. His main research interests and activities are in the field of Global Information Systems, E-Learning, Modelling Learning-related Processes, Procedural Models, Learning Technology Standardisation, Quality Management and Quality Assurance for Education, and Mobile / Ambient Learning. He is actively involved in research organisations (AACE, GI, IEEE) and in standardisation organisations (DIN, CEN, ISO/ IEC JTC1 SC36). He is also the acting chair of the CEN/ISSS Workshop Learning Technologies.
Jon K. Price
Intel, USA
Jon K. Price is Program Manager for Research and Evaluation at the Intel® Corporate Affairs Group. He has been managing the education technology program evaluation efforts for Intel’s global K-12 education initiatives since 2003. In 2008 his responsibilities expanded to include additional research and evaluation into how effective integration of technology into multiple levels of education can impact teaching, learning, education reform, and economic growth. Jon is a graduate of The University of New Mexico, the Harvard Graduate School of Education and received his PhD in Education from the Texas A&M University College of Education.
Kannan Moudgalya
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Kannan M. Moudgalya is Professor of Chemical Engineering, Systems and Control, and Education Technology at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Rice University in 1985. He has been devoting his time on spreading education on a massive scale, without quality dilution. He has been focusing on spoken tutorials, open source software systems, virtual labs and the low cost tablet, Aakash. He has held the posts of Associate Dean (R&D) and Head of the Centre for Distance Engineering Education Programme, at IIT Bombay. He is a Member of the Standing Committee of the National Mission on Education through ICT, Ministry of the Human Resources Development of the Government of India.
Larry Johnson
New Media Consortium, USA
Larry Johnson serves as Chief Executive Officer of the New Media Consortium, an international not-for-profit consortium dedicated to the exploration and use of new media and new technologies, and Director of the Edward and Betty Marcus Institute for Digital Education in the Arts (MIDEA). He is an acknowledged expert on emerging technology and its impacts on society and education. He is the founder of the Horizon Project, which produces the acclaimed series of Horizon Reports that are used by well over a million educators in more than 150 countries. Having served as president and senior executive at institutions in both the higher education and not-for-profit realms, he has nearly 30 years of experience in the global education arena, and has served in campus roles from professor to dean, CIO and provost, and president. His educational background includes an MBA in Finance and a PhD in Education that focused on research and evaluation.
Marcelo Milrad
Linnaeus University, Sweden
Marcelo Milrad is Professor of Media Technology in the Faculty of Technology at Linnaeus University. He is also the director of the Center for Learning and Knowledge Technologies (CeLeKT). His current research interests include the design of learning environments to support learning about complex domains, collaborative discovery learning and the development of mobile and wireless applications to support collaborative learning. He has acted as an executive member of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Learning Technology (LTTC) and he is one of the initiators of the IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education (WMTE).
Marcus Specht
Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands
Marcus Specht is Professor for Advanced Learning Technologies at the Open University of the Netherlands and is currently heading the CELSTEC Learning Technology Labs. He has been involved in several national and international research projects on open educational content, competence based lifelong learning, personalized information support received his PhD from the University of Trier in 1998 on adaptive information technology. His research interests include mobile and contextualized learning technologies, learning network services, and social and immersive media for learning. He is also Apple Distinguished Educator.
Marlene Scardamalia
University of Toronto, Canada
Marlene Scardamalia holds the Presidents’ Chair in Education and Knowledge Technologies at OISE/University of Toronto and is co-founder and director of the Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology—a worldwide network of innovators working to advance the frontiers of knowledge building in various sectors. “Knowledge building,” a term now widely used in education and knowledge management, originated with the CSILE/Knowledge Building project. Marlene led the team that created CSILE (Computer Supported Intentional Learning Environments), which was the first networked knowledge building environment for education. The second generation version of technology, Knowledge Forum®, is in use in countries worldwide, in education, health, business, and professional organizations. Knowledge building theories, pedagogies and technologies have been developed in partnership with Carl Bereiter and team members. Marlene’s work has led to several honours and awards, including a fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, election to the U. S. National Academy of Education, member of the Human Development Program of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, an Ontario Psychological Foundation Contribution to Knowledge award and the World Cultural Council’s Jose Vasconcelos’ World Award of Education. Her areas of research include education for knowledge creation, cognitive development, psychology of writing, intentional learning, the nature of expertise, and new knowledge media.
Masanori Sugimoto
University of Tokyo, Japan
Masanori Sugimoto is Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, at the Hokkaido University. He received his Dr. Eng. degree from Interdisciplinary Course on Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo in 1995.
Miguel Nussbaum
Catholic University of Chile, Chile
Miguel Nussbaum is Professor for Computer Science at the School of Engineering of the Catholic University of Chile. He obtained his Electrical Engineering degree from Universidad Católica de Chile in 1980, Master of Science in ‘Information and Computer Science’ from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA in 1984, and Doktor der Technischen Wissenschaften from Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland in 1988. He has been or is member of the board of the Chilean National Science Foundation, FONDECYT, member of the Education committee of the Fund for the Promotion of Scientific and Technological Development of Chile, FONDEF, member of the “Interim Scientific Advisory Board of the UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge”, winner of the Innovation in Education for the Americas of the Organization of American States in 2004, and was considered as one of the 50 innovative Chileans of 2007. His pedagogical methodology supported by collaborative technology for transforming the classroom experience is used in more than 90 schools in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Guatemala, England and USA.
Mohamed Jemni
Director of ICT, ALECSO, Tunisia
Mohamed Jemni is a Professor of Computer Science and Educational Technologies at the University of Tunis, Tunisia. He is the Director of ICT at The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization ALECSO ( He is a Senior member IEEE, member of the Executive board of IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology ( and he is co-editor of Springer Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. At ALECSO, he is currently leading several projects related to the promotion of effective use of ICT in education in the Arab world, namely, OER, MOOCs, cloud computing and the strategic project ALECSO-APPS (, aiming to provide a technological environment for the promotion of an emerging digital creative Arab Mobile industry, related to the fields of education, culture and science. His Research Projects Involvements during the last 28 years are Educational Technologies, High Performance and Grid computing and Accessibility of ICT to People with Disabilities. He published more than 300 papers in international journals, conferences and books, and produced many studies for international organizations such as UNESCO, ITU and ALECSO. Prof. Jemni and his laboratory have received several awards, including the Silver medal of the International Fair of Inventions in Kuwait 2007, the UNESCO Prize 2008 for the e-learning curriculum they developed for visually impaired, President’s Award for the integration of persons with disabilities 2009 and the “World Summit Award (WSA) – Mobile 2010” in the field of social inclusion. In April 2012, his laboratory LaTICE received the Google Student AWARD and he has received the Best Communication Paper of the Web For All 2012. Prof. Jemni received the International Telecommunication Union Award: “ICT Innovation application challenge” during the WSIS Forum in Geneva in May 2013. His full CV is available at his web page :
Rob Koper
Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands
Rob Koper holds a PhD in Educational Technology from the Open University of the Netherlands. Since 1998 he has been a Full Professor in Educational Technology, specifically in e-learning technologies. He was responsible for the development of educational modelling language (the predecessor of IMS learning design). As the Director of RTD in learning technologies, he led the OUNL’s contribution to the IMS-LD specification activities. His research focuses on self-organised distributed learning networks for lifelong learning, including RTD into software agents, educational semantic web, interoperability specifications and standards.
Rory McGreal
Athabasca University, Canada
Rory McGreal is the UNESCO/Commonwealth of Learning Chairholder in Open Educational Resources. He is Professor in the Centre for Distance Education at Athabasca University– Canada’s Open University based in Alberta, Canada. He is also the director of the Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute (TEKRI). He is a co-Editor of the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL), and founder of the OER Knowledge Cloud. Formerly, he served as the Associate Vice President Research. He studied for his PhD (Computer Technologies in Education) at a distance over the Internet from Nova Southeastern University’s Graduate School of Computer and Information Science. He studied the implementation and management of distance education systems and networks from technological, pedagogical and policy perspectives. His present research interests include the use of Open Educational Resources and standards in technology assisted learning, particularly in the development and application of learning objects. He is also researching how these would be applied and formatted on mobile devices for M-learning.
Setsuo Tsuruta
Tokyo Denki University, Japan
Setsuo Tsuruta received the B.Tec. degree from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1971 and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, in 1973 and 1984, respectively. He worked in Systems Development Laboratory of Hitachi, from 1973 to 2002, and after that, he became a Professor with the School of Information Environment, Tokyo Denki University, Chiba, Japan. His research interests are intelligent systems, distributed systems, and real-time embedded systems.
Sirkka Freigang
Bosch Software Innovations, Germany
Dr. Sirkka Freigang is a senior consultant at Bosch Software Innovations, a software company based in Berlin. As Head of Smart Learning & New Work Experience, she develops new concepts for workplace learning and facilitates IoT-based learning solutions in co-creation with the customers. In the last years, she specialized in augmented reality and 3D modeling for learning purposes, such as 3D holograms, which are merging digital and physical content at the workplace. In her PhD thesis she investigated the intersection between the Internet of Things (IoT) and education. As a result, she developed a Smart Learning Framework for designing human-centered Smart Learning Environments. Previously, she worked as an IT education coordinator for the Institute of Computer Science at the Volkswagen AutoUni in Wolfsburg and as an future & trend researcher at the ISW Institute. She is highly fascinated by the Internet of Things, Augmented and Virtual Reality and the various possibilities of digitalization, in order to create innovative learning spaces.
Stefano A. Cerri
University of Montpellier & CNRS, France
Stefano A. Cerri is Professor in the Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics and Microelectronics at the University of Montpellier. His research interests include technology enhanced learning, service oriented computing and pragmatic web.
Stephen J.H. Yang
National Central University, Taiwan
Stephen J.H. Yang is the Distinguished Professor of Computer Science & Information Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan. He is also serving as the Director of Information and Technology Department, Ministry of Education. He received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1995. He received the 2010 outstanding research award from National Science Council, Taiwan. His research interests include creative learning, 3D virtual worlds, App software, and cloud services. He is currently the Editors-in-Chief of the International Journal of Knowledge Management & E-Learning, and the Associate Editor of the International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering.
Tsukasa Hirashima
Hiroshima University, Japan
Tsukasa Hirashima is Professor of Graduate School, Department of Information Engineering, Hiroshima University since 2004. He received his B.E., M.E. and PhD from Osaka University in 1986, 1988, and 1991 respectively. His research interests are primarily in computers in education, especially in artificial intelligence in education, including modeling of problem-solving process, error-visualization for error-awareness, information filtering, question/problem generation, learning by problem posing and design method of learning game. He has received four awards from major international conferences about computer and education: World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (ED-MEDIA1995, Outstanding Paper Award), International Conference on Computer in Education (ICCE 2001, 2002, Best Paper Awards), and Artificial Intelligence and Education (AIED2009, Honorable Mention Award, top 3 papers). Within Japan, he has also received Conference Award from Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence in 1993, SIG Research Award from Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence (SIG Advanced Learning Science and Technology) in 1996, 1998, 1999, 2003 and 2008, Outstanding Game Award of academic section from Japanese Game Amusement Society in 2003 and 2005, and Best Paper Award from Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education.
Tzu-Chien Liu
National Central University, Taiwan
Tzu-Chien Liu is Director and Professor of the Graduate Institute of Learning & Instruction, National Central University (NCU). His research interests mainly focus on mobile learning and ubiquitous learning, instruction and learning sciences, the cognitive base of technology application, innovative technology for education, interactive learning and assessment. He is the associate editor of the Journal of Research in Education Sciences (Scopus index) and guest editor of the International Journal of Engineering Education Special issue (SCI index). He is also the associated editor Asia of the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (EBSCO index) and the editorial advisory board member of Educational Technology & Society (SSCI index). He has received several research awards, such as NCU Outstanding Research Award in 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011; the Best Paper Award of 2007 from the 3rd Taiwan E-Learning Forum; besides, he also was awarded the NCU Excellent Advisor Award in 2010.
Vasudha Kamat
Consortium of Educational Communication (CEC), India
Vasudha Kamat is well known for her significant contribution to the field of Educational Technology/ Information and Communication Technology in Education. Presently she is Chairperson of the Governing Board of Consortium of Educational Communication (CEC), an Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission, India. The CEC has 21 Educational Media Research Centres established in 21 Universities across India. CEC has developed more than 1000 MOOCs which are offered on SWAYAM Platform of India for the students of Higher Education. CEC also runs 11 Television Channels for Higher Education. She was Vice Chancellor of SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai, India during 2011-16. She was Member of India’s National Education Policy-2020 Draft Committee. She has conducted several research studies for various National/International organizations such as Indian Space Research Organization, UNDP, World-Bank, UNICEF, MHRD, etc. on various themes. She has closely worked with Open Universities and National Institute of Open Schooling in various capacities. She is a recipient of the Fulbright Senior Research Fellowship (2005-06), Rotary International Fellowship (2004-05), Best Teacher Award by Maharashtra State Government (2005-06).
Vijay M. S. Kumar
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
M. S. Vijaykumar is Senior Strategic Advisor for Digital Learning, and Director of Office of Educational Innovation & Technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has been responsible for strategy development and leading units engaged in the effective integration of information technology and media services in education. Vijay is a member of the Advisory Committee of MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW). He is the Executive officer for MIT’s Council on Educational Technology. He was a member of the steering committee for I-Campus, the MIT-Microsoft Alliance initiative for educational technology. His research, as well as his engagements as advisor/consultant are directed toward strategy, planning and implementing technological innovations for education. These include: Smithsonian (Advisor for Digital Futures), India National Knowledge Commission (honorary advisor 2006- 2009), UNESCO (developing strategies for open educational resources, open technology and policy), Open University of Catalonia (Educational Innovation), Singapore University of Technology and Design (IT) and Qatar Foundation International (educational technology and innovation). His experience also includes programs for teacher education and planning for technology integration in k-12 education in Maine and Massachusetts. He currently serves on the Massachusetts STEM Council’s Network Operations Board.
Vincent Tam
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Vincent Tam is Principal Lecturer and Honorary Assistant Professor in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University of Hong Kong. He received his PhD from the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering in the University of Melbourne in 1998. His main research interests include cloud/mobile computing systems and their practical applications, localization and real-life applications on wireless sensor networks, information visualization and learning analytics. He serves as an Executive Board member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology (TCLT), the Activity Co-Chair of the IEEE (HK) Computational Intelligence Chapter, and the Vice-Chairman of the Senior Common Room (SCR @ HKU). Besides, he is a Senior Member of the IEEE (SMIEEE) and a Faculty Member of the IEEE Eta Kappa Nu Lambda Iota Chapter.