Sign language is not innate at deafchildren and therefore it needs methodic and specific training. For this reason, we developed an ICT environment (a specialized LCS) thatgenerates multimedia coursesto teach and learn sign language [1]. These courses can be used either bydeaf pupils to learn (or e-learn) sign language or also by hearing people to be able to communicate withdeaf people. This educationalenvironment uses mainly a web-based interpreter of sign languagedeveloped in our research laboratory and called Websign [2]. It is a tool that permits to interpretautomatically written texts in visual-gestured-spatial language using avatar technology.


[1] Oussama El Ghoul and Mohamed Jemni,”Multimedia courses generator for deaf children”, The International Arab Journal for Information Technology, Vol. 6,November 2009, No. 5.

[2] Jemni, M., Elghoul, O.: A system to make signs using collaborative approach.In: Miesenberger, K., Klaus, J., Zagler, W.L., Karshmer, A.I. (eds.) ICCHP 2008.LNCS, vol. 5105, pp. 670–677. Springer, Heidelberg (2008).